Frantaglais blah-blah...

Why Frantaglais? Well, I came up with this title as my posts, from time to time, will be en français (in French), en anglais (in English), and/or en Tagalog, my mother tongue. In any case, you find my writing weak, just bear with me please or leave. This is my blog after all. No one forces you to read it.

mercredi, décembre 15, 2004

Giving it a try

I created this blog yesterday but I was a bit hesitant to do the posting right away for I wanted us to have a lazy dinner and that I already had to start the cooking. The Green Giant was miraculously home early. Then I finally told myself, c'est bon , posting can wait.

We, by the way, had couscous for dinner. Well it's a dish originating in North Africa, consisting of semoule (semolina), served with a meat stew. I put chicken legs, lamb chops, merguez sausages and some vegetables. It usually comes with harissa sauce (hot sauce). I got one from Tunisia. Well I might just post the recipe some time.

I still remember when we were still living in Paris, almost always, we found ourselves dining in this restaurant, "Cafe Modern", devouring couscous. But after several calculations, I found out that we've been spending so much for something I knew I can cook at home. Considering I love to cook, oh, 'love' is such a strong word. Well, considering I CAN cook, I thought of trying to prepare this dish at home. Pourquoi pas?'. Why not? All I just needed was to find a recipe for this or just improvise (I knew then about the ingredients). And there was the Green Giant saying, "Fais attention (be careful), there's gonna be lots of splattering and washing in the kitchen!". He was right but my first attempt turned out to be just fine. The color and the thickness of the sauce looked like it and most importantly, it tasted like it. ehem.

You might ask, why does the Green Giant love couscous that much? Arabo ba siya? No, he's not. He's French, pure. Pure daw o! It's just that he's not difficult to please. He's not choosy. He just loves to eat though his physique doesn't show it (he's lanky) hehe... I can always prepare something new for him and he'd end up saying,"mmm... that was good." But, oh, by the way, the only thing he won't take into his mouth and swallow is our very own, balut. Neither would I, just can't blame him.
Merci et à bientôt! ^_^ eXTReMe Tracker