I just thought of sharing this with you...
Yesterday at around 1:30 p.m., I and my son Koko were watching tv, quite anxious about the result -- on which city would host the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games; Paris or London? At exactly 1:50 p.m., Int'l. Olympic Committee President Rogge announced that London will host the games.
"No!", we both screamed. We were so disappointed as we really wished the games be hosted by the city of Paris. My son, in particular, got so saddened I saw him wiped away his tears.
"Don't worry, by the year 2012, you'll be 22 years old. Old enough to be where you want to be. Who knows, that by that time, you'd be working in London, own an appartment which is just a block away from the stadium." I said while affectionately stroking his cheek. The thought made him smile.
Over dinner, we had the same discussion. This time with the hubby.
"So, we lost, eh?" the hubby said.
Oui, but what can we do, London's been ahead of 3 to 4 points from the very beginning. Okay, I, too, am disappointed but I don't know, I'm
kinda relieved." I said as I swallowed a bit of the chicken.
"Oh yeah? Why?"
"I don't know, I have a feeling that something's gonna happen. I can feel it. Mark my words, there'll be
attentats (bombings)
tomorrow. And we should thank God, Paris wasn't chosen." I responded.
This morning, the hubby called up telling me that
once again, I was right.
"About what?" I asked.
"There has been a half dozen bombings in the underground/subway and buses in London!"
As of this writing, I don't know (yet) if it's because of the Olympic games or the G8 Summit. All I know is that there were indeed bombings in London,
"Oh, sh...! I've told you!" I was almost yelling.
"...yeah, and
you should have just kept it to yourself!" He added.
Why did he say that? Ok, It's been going on for over a year now,
there are things I think and swear will happen... happen. Hey, I'm not a charlatan or a wannabe fortune teller. Nope, far from it.
Okay, let me cite instances that seem a little strange to us...
Last year, I told my husband that I could feel my friend's husband leaving her to live with his mistress and that he'll be back 1 year after. (oopps,
tzizmiz you might say, but let me finish...)
"You'll see, he'll be back after a year-long (s)excapade, just in time for his wife's (my friend) 41st birthday." I remember telling him that.
Just two weeks before my friend's 40th birthday, her husband left the matrimonial home. The reason, I was right, no need to elaborate.
And now, it's been a week that he's back and next weekend, we're invited for a birthday dinner, my friend's 41st birthday. See?
Another instance, when hubby's cousin announced that she was pregnant, I remember myself telling my hubby, "I am quasi sure that she'll give birth prematurely and that her husband shouldn't be away when that time comes!". The day her water broke, her husband was just starting to take a nap -- quite exhausted from a 3-day trip, just barely arrived from
Mans (for its annual 24-hour motor race) with my hubby and friends (well, I was actually trying to convince him not to 'bring' his cousin's husband along). She gave birth 2 months before her due date, she was supposed to give birth this August.
I also "predicted" (see? now I'm beginning to use that word, hehe) about the hubby's brother passing the driving test but failing the Baccalauréat exams last year. That his brother's got no choice but to repeat a year and this time he'll pass. That's exactly what happened and he got the good news last Monday.
And now, these attentats in London... Ok, ok, I know these are just coincidences but I guess, next time, I'll just have to keep it to myself and keep my mouth shut, eh? What do you think?
I'm beginning to scare my husband...